A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause.

“No donation is small when it comes to helping the disadvantaged section of our society”

When you donate from your heart, it takes a new meaning! Let us get on with giving!

We at Nibedan-Serampore run several humanitarian programs. Some of them are:

  • Feed a Destitute
  • Free Eye Check-up Camps
  • Blood Donation Camps
  • Health Awareness Seminars
  • Free Eye Surgery Camps
  • Spiritual Awareness Seminars

You can either fully sponsor one of the above events or, make partial donations as a co-sponsor.

With your kind help we will be able to add more dimensions to our philanthropic initiatives.

So, please come forward and be a part of this noble cause by donating with open hands..


Feed a Destitute

There are many destitute person living in our locality and now they are in urgent need of basic food for survival in this present unavoidable situation.
We have promptly decided to extend our helping hands for this purpose to distribute essential foods among them on *5th of April *2020 ,Sunday

We need your help to accomplish it.Would you consider donating any amount to help us. Your donation will have an impact on these persons.



Free Eye Check-up Camps

We at Nibedan-Serampore have been organizing regular Free Eye-Checkup & Surgery camps from time-to-time.

We mainly focus on the elderly population who can’t afford regular eye checkups or, expensive surgeries, if required.

Be a part of this great Cause…




Blood Donation Camps

It is a volunteer-run organization that specially works to target the poor and the needy.

This Donation is once-a-year sponsorship of our Blood Donation Camp and the Sponsors are covered in our Annual Magazine. Come forward and sponsor our ‘Blood donation camp” where hundreds of volunteers participate and donate blood for the welfare of mankind.




Health Awareness Seminars

The main objective of the Seminar is to create awareness in the general public regarding the importance of health and a healthy lifestyle.

This would cover subjects like benefits of Yoga, Meditation, Exercise, Healthy Lifestyle, Food habits, Holistic healing etc.

Come forward and sponsor our “Health Awareness Seminars” where hundreds of volunteers participate and get benefited.



Free Eye Surgery Camps

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Come forward and sponsor our “Free Eye Surgery Camps” where hundreds of volunteers participate and get benefited




Spiritual Awareness Seminars

The main objective of the Seminar is to create awareness in the general public regarding the importance of spiritual awareness.

Spiritual awakening is a moment of transcendence and, with awareness, this moment can stretch out, touching all areas of your life. Awakening spiritually changes the way you move through the world.
We have created different packages for our sponsors to choose from depending on their budgets.



“Donation receipts & 80G certificate will be mailed to donor’s email within 30 – 45 business days from the day of realization of funds”